Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well we finally got some cool weather in Central Florida. I am truly enjoying it. This past summer was so long and hot! Good riddance to it.

Thanksgiving time is just a few weeks away and it is time to start making plans for dinner. We have about 25 for dinner and we have decided that we will take our meal to one of the parks. This way the children can play basketball, baseball, football or just plan swing on the swing sets. This is a time that we all get together and catch up with what has been going on in each of our lives. We truly have a grand time.

This has been a very hard year for a lot of folks, and it is hard to think what we would have to be thankful for, however, if you have shelter, food and your children are healthy, you are blessed and have many reasons to give thanks.

When you are deciding what you would like for your table centerpiece for this day of feasting, check out Aromaway Candles floating leaf candles and floating pumpkin for a fall festive look. Visit Aroma Way by clicking Here.

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