Sunday, December 27, 2009

Well this has been quite a Christmas. We who are believers in Christ are still celebrating the coming of our Lord as we await His second coming. I have so enjoyed the lights and the joy on the children's faces. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

Winter has set in here in Florida. We have more gray days in this season than any other. I know if you live up north you have your fair share of gray, damp days. The days are also very short. All the more reason for you to light some candles around your house to lighten up your rooms and your mood. Especially the scented type. Fill your senses with the aroma of the spring time. Aromaway Candles offers beautifully scented floating candles in a variety of flowers and colors. Visit us Here to see our candle and aromatherapy products.

Friday, December 18, 2009


It is almost Christmas. The time when we all give thanks for our blessings and celebrate the coming of our Lord. This is to be a time of joy and excitement as we anticipate his coming again. However, for some reason the shopping thing gets in the way. We think we need to spend tons of money to make Christmas a wonderful day. But that is not true. Christmas is about the Lord, family and peace in our hearts. One thing I love to do is to light candles around the house and just enjoy the flickering lights and peacefulness it brings. This is good time to get quiet within yourself and to listen to God speak to your heart. We at Aromaway Candles wish you and your family a joyous and blessed Christmas. Pray for our serviceman and their families. God Bless America. Visit us Here to see our candle and aromatherapy products. Merry Christmas and many thanks.